This net takes place every Thursday at 8:00 PM, preceded by a rag chew session at 7:00 PM. We invite all licensed amateur radio operators to check in. Scanner enthusiasts and others are also welcome to listen in. View the Current Net Control Schedule.
Happy Hams Net – Weekly
Thursdays at 8:00 PM
K5NES Repeater @ 147.225 MHz+ 107.2 tone
Pre-Ragchew 7:00pm – 8:00pm
Connect with Echolink®
The net operates on the 2-meter frequency of 147.225 MHz with a tone of 107.2. Alternatively, you can check in using Echolink through W2RRC-R or K5NES-R.

The Happy Hams net was established by our Net Manager, Chris (N5CRL)with the first net being held on December, 22, 2022 . Currently, we have six Net controls who take turns running this weekly net.
The current net controls are:
- N5CRL (Chris) – Net Manager
- KI5QOS (Ithyca)
- KI5QQG (Debbie)
- KB9ELS (Wayne)
- KI5GRX (Genice)
- AB5SC (Sheri)
- N5ALC (Alex)
- AG5CC (George)
These dedicated operators take turns as net controls ensuring a smooth and enjoyable experience for all participants. Find out who is up next, view the current Schedule.
In addition to the Happy Hams Radio Net, we also have a weekly simplex net on the 2-meter band and a 10-meter net. Chris also hosts a daily 11-meter net (Citizens Band) on Channel 1.
If radio interests you, White River Radio & Communications is the right place for you. Thank you for visiting, and please leave a comment.
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