The White River Radio amateur radio simplex net on VHF 146.440MHz is a weekly gathering for licensed operators. Every Wednesday at 7:30 PM, operators tune in to test equipment, train as net controllers, and enjoy the company of fellow radio enthusiasts.

White River Radio 2 Meter Simplex Net – Weekly
Wednesdays at 7:30 PM
146.440 VHF FM
Open to all licensed operators.
Equipment Testing:
Operators use the net to test their equipment, antennas, and signal quality. Real-time feedback helps them optimize their setups and troubleshoot issues, while exchanging advice and experiences with others.
Simplex Net Controller Training:
Aspiring net controllers gain hands-on experience by taking turns hosting the net. They develop communication, coordination, and leadership skills while managing radio traffic and fostering order.
Mobile Simplex Net Controller:
Occasionally, a mobile net controller joins the net, showcasing the possibilities of radio communication on the move. This adds excitement and encourages participants to explore mobile operation in their setups.

Current Simplex Net Controllers:
The current net controls are:
- N5CRL (Chris) – Net Manager
- K5LPL (Leann)
- KB9ELS (Wayne)
- AG5CC (George)
These dedicated operators take turns as net controls ensuring a smooth and enjoyable experience for all participants. Find out who is up next, view the current Schedule.
Interested in Being a Net Control Station?
If you are interested in becoming a net control station for the White River Radio amateur radio simplex net, you’ve found the right place! We welcome enthusiastic operators who want to contribute to the net’s success. Simply let us know of your interest, and we’ll provide you with the necessary information and guidance to become a net control station. It’s a rewarding opportunity to enhance your skills, contribute to the amateur radio community, and help create a vibrant atmosphere during the net.
The White River Radio amateur radio simplex net offers a vibrant and engaging experience for licensed operators. It’s a place to connect, play radio, and have a good time while testing equipment, training as net controllers, and enjoying the camaraderie of fellow radio enthusiasts. If you’re interested in becoming a net control station, reach out to us and join our passionate team. Join us on 146.440MHz every Wednesday at 7:30 PM and experience the joy of playing radio and having a good time!
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